Today started out to be a difficult day. First I went in to work but had to be at the crematory at 9:30 to get locks of my grams hair. Then from there I went to the other office so that I could buy my necklace . I call my job and do you know my boss had the nerve to get mad at me about me not going back to work. Now keep in mind I have not taken my funeral leave yet...smdh.......
Well I went and seen my uncle Shane who is also here from Cali to see his mother who has cancer. We hung out and did some catching up and then I went home. But on my way home I actually went and talked to a friend to clear the air about our situation. See I had talked to another friend earlier about her situation with a friend that we have in common . Well that talk prompted me to clear the air on some things. I am glad I did.
I did find out that one of my so called sisters/friends has talked to everyone else and has actually had the nerve to call my father to give him condolences on our loss. But this chick hasn't said a word to me......I just don't know about folks at times but whatever.....THIS EXPERIENCE HAS OPENED MY EYES TO THE CHARACTER OF PEOPLE I HAVE CALLED MY FRIENDS OR FAMILY............FROM HERE ON OUT I WILL BE WALKING AROUND WITH MY EYES WIDE SHUT........LOL
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